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30 Minute Tone Up


These 6 exercises are guaranteed to make you sweat. Our rep guidelines are in place to keep the workouts efficient but you should change these based on your needs.


Repeat 15 reps x 2

Keeping your back straight, lunge forward with one leg and bend your front knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Move back to the original position and repeat this on the opposite leg.

Single Leg Bridge

Repeat 15 reps x 2

Lay down on the floor and keep your back straight with your arms by your side. Proceed to lift one leg towards the ceiling by using your opposite heel to push. You should feel your glutes activate when at the peak.


Repeat 15 reps x 2

Keep your feet flat and back straight. Slowly lower yourself and bend your knees so your thighs are parallel to the floor. You can hold your arms out in front of you to help with balance.

Press Ups

Repeat 10 reps x 3

Place your arms in line with your shoulders and hands just past shoulder width. Keeping your core engaged, push down and back up ensuring you do not lock your arms. You can bring your hands in closer to target different muscle groups.

Bicycle Crunches

Repeat 15 reps x 3

Lay down on the ground with your arms supporting the back of your head. Proceed to twist one side of your body towards the opposite leg and raise your knee towards your elbow. You should focus on contracting your core for each rep.

Mountain Climbers

Repeat 15-20 seconds x 3

Starting off in a press up position bring one knee towards your hand and return back to the original position without touching the floor. Repeat instantly on the left side and continue to swap between both sides until you reach your required reps.

Next Section – Total Body Workout

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