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Cool Down


Cooling down after a workout is important as it brings your heart rate back down to normal. It also gives you a good chance to stretch your muscles which helps to decrease the risk of injury.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

Having strong shoulders is essential for maximising your upper body results. Place one arm across your chest and hold in place for 10 seconds. Repeat this on the other arm.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

Having a strong chest is important as it helps to keep your shoulder joints stable. It also fixes any imbalances which can occur from having over trained back muscles. Extend both arms backwards towards the ground and hold in place.


Repeat 10 secs x2

Triceps make up the bulk of your arm muscles. Raise one arm over your head and bend your elbow so your hand touches your back. With the other hand slowly push down on your elbow until you feel your tricep activate.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

The hip flexor stretch is great if you suffer from anterior pelvic tilt (due to weak glutes, tight quadriceps and a weak core). Get into a lunge position with your knee on the ground for support and lean forward keeping your back straight..


Repeat 10 secs x 2

The forward bend is a great way to stretch your hamstrings and also your lower back. Standing in a neutral position, bend down and try to touch your toes with your hand. It’s important to keep your legs straight so ease into this motion if you are struggling.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

Quadriceps stretching is a good test of your stability and balance. Standing on one leg, bend the other backwards using your hand and try to press your ankle against your bum. If you struggle to stand still, hold onto something for support.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

The cobra pose stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdominals. Lying down face first, keep your legs and core flat against the ground and raise your upper body. You should feel activation on your lower back.


Repeat 10 secs x 2 reps

If you suffer from lower back pain you will find the thigh hug is a great exercise to help stretch the lower back. Lying down, bring one knee towards your chest and hold with your arms.


Repeat 10 secs x 3

The child’s pose is a great cool down exercise which helps the body to relax and take strain off the lower back. Resting on your knees, lean forward and hold yourself in position with your arms.


Repeat 10 secs x 2

The toe touch is another exercise which is good for testing your flexibility. Keep your legs straight at all times, bend forward and try to touch your toes.


Repeat 10 sec x 2

The overhead stretch is a good exercise for targeting your upper body muscles. Lift your arms above your head and try to touch your ears with your shoulders.

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