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Home Workout Cool Down


It’s important to have a cool-down session at the end of your workout. This is to bring your heart rate back down to normal and allow you to relax your muscles and improve recovery.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Repeat 20 secs x 3

With one knee on the floor and one leg out with your knee bent, keep your back straight and slowly push your hips forwards. Repeat on the other side.

Abs Stretch

Repeat 3 x 10 secs

Laying down face first, slowly raise your body upwards so you feel a stretch on your abs and lower back. Start slowly and gradually develop your range of motion if this is difficult at first.

Biceps Stretch

Repeat 2 x 15 secs

Hold both arms out with one facing upwards and slowly push downwards on your fingertips using the other hand. You should feel a stretch on your forearm and biceps.

Quadriceps Stretch

Repeat 15 secs x 2

Standing on one leg, pull the other leg upwards and bend your knee so your foot is next to your buttocks. If you are struggling to keep your balance hold onto something for support.

Shoulder Stretch

Repeat 15 secs x 2

Hold one arm across your body and use your other arm to slowly push in towards yourself. Repeat on the other side and hold for your desired length.

Forward Bend

Repeat 2 x 15 seconds

Standing straight, slowly bend your body down and try to touch your feet with your hands. Try not to bend your knees and if you are struggling, take your time and ease into the motion.


Repeat 3 x 15 seconds

Lay flat on your back and slowly raise your knees to your chest and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times.


Repeat 3 x 15 seconds

Laying forward on your knees, reach your arms out and relax. You should feel a stretch on your lower back and some relief if you suffer from anterior pelvic tilt.

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