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Legs & Glutes Exercises


A great home workout set which targets your legs and glutes. Our rep guidelines are in place to keep workouts efficient but should be changed if necessary depending on your goals.

Star Jump Squat

Repeat 15 reps x 2

Perform a bodyweight squat keeping your feet flat on the ground, then star jump upwards stretching your arms and legs out. As you land repeat both motions until the desired reps are met.

Bench Lunge

Repeat 15 reps x 2

Stand on one leg and support the other leg on anything around knee height. Lunge down with one leg keeping your back straight and repeat on the other side. You can carry some free weights to increase the difficulty.

Goblet Squats

Repeat 10 reps x 3

Grab hold of a weight and keep it in front of you. Keeping your back straight and core engaged, perform a squat and return back to normal. Repeat until desired rep range is met.

Leg Lift Crawl

Repeat 15 reps x 2

Start by resting comfortably on your hands and knees. Bend one knee and raise your leg upwards as if you’re trying to press your foot against the ceiling and return back to normal. Repeat on the other leg.

Side Lunge Burpee

Repeat 10 reps x 2

Place your hands on your hips and lunge sidewards. Come back to the centre and perform a jump before proceeding to lunge again on the other leg. All 3 movements completed count as 1 repetition.

Side Leg Raise

Repeat 15 reps x 2

Resting on one side of your hip and using your hands for support on the ground, slowly raise one leg upwards as shown on the diagram. Repeat on the other leg.

Next Section – Cool Down

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