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Muscle Foods

Build Muscle Foods

In order to build muscle you need to have a well balanced nutrition and exercise plan. You can do all the exercise in the world but without the proper nutrition, your results will be limited.  By having a diet which is high in protein and containing a good range of minerals and vitamins, you will supply your muscles with the fuel they need to repair and grow.

In this guide, we will look at the types of foods which are well known for their muscle-building properties.

Foods for Building Muscle


Meat is the most common source of nutrition for building muscle. This is because of its high protein content and minerals and vitamins, such as zinc and B vitamins.

The type of meat you eat should be taken into consideration because they are not all healthy. Lean meats such as chicken breast and turkey tend to be the most popular choice because of the low saturated fat content, whereas certain cuts of red meats such as lamb and beef can contain high levels of saturated fats. This can cause health problems in the long term.

Lean meats for promoting muscle building:

  • Chicken and turkey breast, leg, thighs
  • Low fat pork, lamb, turkey and beef mince
  • Lean pork, lamb, turkey and beef
  • Learn jerky meat
  • Bison

Meats - ChickenImage Credit: Artificial OG | Pixabay

Vegan Food

One of the first things you hear when it comes to the vegan diet is “how do you get enough protein without any meat”? The good news is there are plenty of sources of vegan protein. You can also find a great range of vegan-friendly whey protein supplements online.

Vegan foods for promoting muscle building:

  • Beans including soy, kidney, chickpeas
  • Vegetables including asparagus, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts
  • Lentils including black and green
  • Seeds and nuts including walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter
  • Complex carbs including rice, pasta, oats and quinoa
  • Legumes
  • Green peas

Vegan FoodImage Credit: Daria Shevtsova | Pexels


Fish is a great source of nutrition for building muscle. This is because it contains high amounts of protein and low amounts of saturated fats. It also contains important amino acids such as leucine and healthy fats. Salmon is perhaps the most common choice of fish because of its high levels of Omega 3.

You should look at the nutritional benefits behind each type of fish to make sure it aligns with your nutrition goals. For example, if you are looking to consume leaner, less fatty fish, then cod and tuna would be suitable choices.

Fish for promoting muscle building:

  • Cod
  • Tuna and steak
  • Haddock
  • Salmon
  • Mackeral
  • Shrimp
  • Seabass

Fish - SalmonImage Credit: Phochiangrak | Pixabay


Eggs are another source of high-quality protein and if eaten with the yolk you will benefit from the healthy fat omega 3. You should factor this into your muscle-building nutrition plan as it may be the case that eating 3-4 egg yolks puts you in a surplus of your macronutrients intake. Macronutrients are key in helping you to calculate how many fats, proteins and carbs your body needs to achieve a certain result, such as weight loss, maintenance or mass gain.

Eggs - Building MuscleImage Credit: Trang Doan | Pexels


When it comes to carbohydrates and building muscle, people have different opinions about which types and how much you should eat. Simply put, carbs are what your body uses for its primary source of fuel. Your body stores carbs as glycogen and when you exert energy this is what your body needs to keep you going.

Sticking to a low carb diet will help you to keep your overall calorie intake low (usually a strategy for people who want to lose weight) but there’s a balance to this. If you are low on carbs this means you will be low on glycogen and your body will turn to the other macronutrients (protein and fats) as an energy source. Over time this can lead to your body breaking down muscle proteins which will counteract your efforts to gain muscle.

The types of carbs you eat should also be taken into consideration. You have two types of carbohydrate categories which are known as simple and complex. Simple carbs are essentially sugars and provide the body with a quick supply of energy, but they contain fewer nutrients and fibre than complex carbs. Complex carbs keep you fueled for longer and are found in sources which contain whole grains, such as oats and brown foods. Each come with their own benefits but this is something you will have to factor into your plan.

Carbohydrates which are good for muscle building:

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Oats
  • Potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Wholegrain cereals

Carbs - Build MuscleImage Credit: Polina Tankilevitch | Pexels


Vegetables are a must in any muscle building diet as they are packed with essential minerals and vitamins. However certain vegetables are more beneficial for building muscle as they contain high amounts of protein.

Types of vegetables which are good for muscle building:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Avacado
Vegetables - Build Muscle


Dairy products are well known for their high protein and calcium content, which are essential for building muscle. It’s important to consider the type of dairy products you consume as full-fat dairy products, such as double cream and butter, contain high levels of saturated fats. Over time this can lead to health problems.

Low-fat dairy products such as semi-skimmed or zero fat milk and quark are popular choices as the saturated fat content is lower but is still packed with protein.

There are two types of protein which come from milk are whey and casein. Whey protein digests quickly and is a great source for anyone who needs it quickly. Casein is a protein which digests much more slowly and is commonly taken before bed so that your body has a steady supply of fuel overnight.

Types of dairy products which are good for building muscle:

  • Semi-skimmed milk
  • Low-fat yoghurt
  • Certain types of cheese
  • Quark

Dairy Build MuscleImage Credit: RitaE | Pixabay

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