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Warming Up Exercises


Warming up is recommended in any exercise routine. It helps to get your heart rate going and blood pumping to your muscles so you can perform better and decrease the risk of injury.

Neck Twists

Repeat x 4

Neck pain is a common problem but with the proper stretches it can be improved. Slowly twist your neck to one side and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side. You can also do this forwards and backwards.

Overhead Stretch

Repeat x 3

The overheard stretch is one of the easiest stretches to perform and can be done anytime. Starting with your arms by your sides, raise them above your head and try to touch your ears with your shoulders. Hold for 10 seconds and return to start position.

Arm Circles

Repeat x 3

Having healthy shoulders is vital for the majority of exercises. Hold both arms out in line with your shoulders and rotate around for 10 seconds. Start with small circles and gradually make them bigger.


Repeat 10 reps x 3

The squat is a popular leg building exercise. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and toes facing forward. Keeping your back straight and core contracted, bend your knees until your hips are parallel to the ground and then push back up.


Repeat 2 reps x 10

Lunges are a great way to improve your overall stability. Keeping your back straight, step forward with one leg and lower into a lunge and keep your posture upright. Return to neutral and repeat with the other leg.

Hamstring Stretch

Repeat x 4

Hamstring stretches are not only good for your hamstrings, but are also a great way to stretch your lower back. Keeping your legs straight, bend forward and attempt to touch your toes. Hold for 5 seconds before returning to start position.

Ankle Hops

Repeat 10 reps x 2

Ankle hops can improve your aerobic fitness and strengthen your lower legs. Place your hands on your hips and hop off the ground, pushing with your calf muscles.

Hip Rotation

Perform 10 reps x 2

Hip rotations are good for strengthening your external hip rotators and keeping your posture correct. Place your hands on your hips and twist your body left and right.

Next Section – Core Exercises

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